The William Penn PTO provides the school community with a number of programs and events designed to enrich the elementary school experience for both students and families.

Santa Visit

William Penn Elementary School 110 Woodlet Lane, Bethel Park, PA, United States

Classroom Holiday Parties

William Penn Elementary School 110 Woodlet Lane, Bethel Park, PA, United States

The holiday parties will take place on December 20, 2019.

Pittsburgh Pierogi Sale

William Penn Elementary School 110 Woodlet Lane, Bethel Park, PA, United States

Love pierogies? Then you are really going to love our Pittsburgh Pierogi Truck Fundraiser. Starting on Thursday, January 16th, students will receive a flyer and order form. Order forms and payment (cash or check) are due back by February 10th in an envelope marked "Pittsburgh Pierogi Truck Sale". Make checks payable to William Penn PTO.

Chuck E. Cheese Character Visit

William Penn Elementary School 110 Woodlet Lane, Bethel Park, PA, United States

Chuck E. will be visiting students at the end of the day, Friday January 17th and will provide a flyer for our upcoming fundraiser event.   For more information about our event visit:

PTO Meeting

William Penn Elementary School 110 Woodlet Lane, Bethel Park, PA, United States

The next PTO Meeting is on Thursday, January 23rd @7:00pm in the William Penn Library! Learn about upcoming school events, opportunities for you to volunteer, share any ideas you might have with us, and enjoy some refreshments. Hope to see you all there!

The Bethel Park School District calendar is subject to change. Please check their website for latest changes to the district calendar.